VMware vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager Extended Config course
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VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Extended Config Training
Enhance your knowledge of VMware vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager as subject matter experts walk through the associated hands on lab discussing important points and offering attendees the opportunity to ask and have answered questions regarding the VMware vCenter™ – Extended Config & Troubleshooting lab.
This session is specifically tied to the VMware vCenter™ – Extended Config & Troubleshooting lab, and it is highly recommended that attendees take the Lab either prior to, or after the session in order build upon topics or concepts presented therein. This "hands on" lab provides step by step instructions for extended configuration options and troubleshooting tasks related to VMware's vCenter Site Recovery Manager. This lab assumes that students/attendees already have a basic understanding of Site Recovery Manager. Completing the vCenter SRM Basic Install & Config lab is highly recommended before starting this lab.
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