Monday, October 13, 2014

HP split: Fall off an icon or rebirth

If you live and breathe within technology world then you must have heard the news regarding HP's decision on breaking itself into two separate companies. One will be called HP which will be dedicated to sell PCs and printers and the other is Hewlett Packard Enterprise which as the name suggests concentrates on enterprise solutions for businesses and companies. 

This is perhaps the most important announcement made within tech world during past few years. Some say this is result of many years of mismanagement and some say this move will help company to streamline its activities. HP is an important player in world of graphic arts. This break up will affect HP's activities within printing sector one way or another. 

If the split means the new company will focus more on bringing efficient and reliable printing kits to the market then it is a cause for celebration but if this is just a spin-off that'll enrich senior leadership and their investment bankers and will cost a few thousand employees their jobs then it's a not an encouraging move. We just have to wait and see.

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