Thursday, November 7, 2024

AI LLM transformer architecture - Using Middle School Math


This is one of the key innovations driving rapid acceleration in the capabilities of language models recently. Transformers not only improved the prediction accuracy, they are also easier/more efficient than previous models (to train), allowing for larger model sizes. This is what the GPT architecture above is based on.

If you look at GPT architecture, you can see that it is great for generating the next word in the sequence. It fundamentally follows the same logic we discussed in Part 1. Start with a few words and then continue generating one at a time. But, what if you wanted to do translation. What if you had a sentence in german (e.g. “Wo wohnst du?” = “Where do you live?”) and you wanted to translate it to english. How would we train the model to do this?

Well, first thing we would need to do is figure out a way to input german words. Which means we have to expand our embedding to include both german and english. Now, I guess here is a simply way of inputting the information. Why don’t we just concatenate the german sentence at the beginning of whatever so far generated english is and feed it to the context. To make it easier for the model, we can add a separator. This would look something like this at each step:

Image by author

This will work, but it has room for improvement:

  • If the context length is fixed, sometimes the original sentence is lost
  • The model has a lot to learn here. Two languages simultaneously, but also to know that <SEP> is the separator token where it needs to start translating
  • You are processing the entire german sentence, with different offsets, for each word generation. This means there will be different internal representations of the same thing and the model should be able to work through it all for translation

Transformer was originally created for this task and consists of an “encoder” and a “decoder” — which are basically two separate blocks. One block simply takes the german sentence and gives out an intermediate representation (again, bunch of numbers, basically) — this is called the encoder.

The second block generates words (we’ve seen a lot of this so far). The only difference is that in addition to feeding it the words generated so far we also feed it the encoded german (from the encoder block) sentence. So as it is generating language, it’s context is basically all the words generated so far, plus the german. This block is called the decoder.

Each of these encoders and decoders consist of a few blocks, notably the attention block sandwiched between other layers. Let’s look at the illustration of a transformer from the paper “Attention is all you need” and try to understand it:

The vertical set of blocks on the left is called the “encoder” and the ones to the right is called the “decoder”. Let’s go over and understand anything that we have not already covered before:

Recap on how to read the diagram: Each of the boxes here is a block that takes in some inputs in the form of neurons, and spits out a set of neurons as output that can then either be processed by the next block or interpreted by us. The arrows show where the output of a block is going. As you can see, we will often take the output of one block and feed it in as input into multiple blocks. Let’s go through each thing here:

Feed forward: A feedforward network is one that does not contain cycles. Our original network in section 1 is a feed forward. In-fact, this block uses very much the same structure. It contains two linear layers, each followed by a RELU (see note on RELU in first section) and a dropout layer. Keep in mind that this feedforward neetwork applies to each position independently. What this means is that the information on position 0 has a feedforward network, and on position 1 has one and so on.. But the neurons from position x do not have a linkage to the feedforward network of position y. This is important because if we did not do this, it would allow the network to cheat during training time by looking forward.

Cross-attention: You will notice that the decoder has a multi-head attention with arrows coming from the encoder. What is going on here? Remember the value, key, query in self-attention and multi-head attention? They all came from the same sequence. The query was just from the last word of the sequence in-fact. So what if we kept the query but fetched the value and key from a completely different sequence altogether? That is what is happening here. The value and key come from the output of the encoder. Nothing has changed mathematically except where the inputs for key and value are coming from now.

Nx: The Nx here simply represents that this block is chain-repeated N times. So basically you are stacking the block back-to-back and passing the input from the previous block to the next one. This is a way to make the neural network deeper. Now, looking at the diagram there is room for confusion about how the encoder output is fed to the decoder. Let’s say N=5. Do we feed the output of each encoder layer to the corresponding decoder layer? No. Basically you run the encoder all the way through once and only once. Then you just take that representation and feed the same thing to every one of the 5 decoder layers.

Add & Norm block: This is basically the same as below (guess the authors were just trying to save space)

Everything else has already been discussed. Now you have a complete explanation of the transformer architecture building up from simple sum and product operations and fully self contained! You know what every line, every sum, every box and word means in terms of how to build them from scratch. Theoretically, these notes contain what you need to code up the transformer from scratch. In-fact, if you are interested this repo does that for the GPT architecture above.

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